February 01, 2008

Defeat 2 nights in a row. Brutal.

I received my letter today from Pacific University. The letter stated that I was thanked my for participation in the interview process, but that I had not been chosen for admittance to their program this year. So, I am spending tonight wallowing in sadness and rejection, and tomorrow I will wake up and go out to Lane and study organic chemistry, because my first test is coming up in O-chem, and studying must be done. I have to admit my bruised ego is standing in the way of thinking about anything else at this point in time, but that will soon change and back on the horse I will go. Its hard to look forward at another year as preparation, when I was so excited of jumping in, but that's where I am, and all I can do is prepare, apply, dedicate, and try again for next year. So thank you to everyone who listened to me and supported me, I am a wee down right now, but as you should know by now, I come back with a bang!

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